In search of veneers Huntington Beach style? At Beachside Dental, you can relax with our beach city dental practice, where we can skillfully provide veneers as a solid choice for a long-lasting, natural smile. Veneers are a thin yet resilient layer of material that’s placed over a tooth, to improve either or both the aesthetics of teeth, or to protect a damaged tooth. Veneers are composed of porcelain or composite shells that cover the surfaces of your teeth. They’re long-lasting and designed to give you a natural smile. Excellent for hiding gaps, chips, discoloration and any other dental imperfections such as worn enamel, veneers are simple to use and offer a fast and effective solution to a beautiful smile.
Call for a Free Porcelain Veneer Consultation: (714) 842-6151
Porcelain-Veneers-Huntington-BeachIn the recent past, the only option for correcting damaged teeth was a crown. Veneers are wonderfully non-invasive and cost-effective, and our dentistry team provides a choice of porcelain and composite resin to create attractive patient veneers. The first choice for many patients is porcelain veneers, which look and act just like a natural tooth surface. Veneers work perfectly for both restorative dental work and cosmetic enhancement. Whether a patient has an issue with chipped or cracked teeth or is simply seeking a more ideal smile, veneers work perfectly. Talk to us today to see if veneers are the right solution for your teeth. We’ll help you keep smiling!